Dedicated to those who are striving to be the change.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Watercolors of me as a Practical Panda growing up

Here is me trying to climb over my playgate. I would get so winded trying to get over it. Kind of embarrassing, but 2 feet was like half of my size. So I would just lay there and sing random songs from Footloose and Dirty Dancing. My big dream was to punch dance on the big screen just like Kevin Bacon. I was excited to know that I was separated from him by only 3 degrees. I was held back by my lack of ability in growing a mullet, and too much moral to stuff my pants.

Here's me as a young panda wooing all the girls with my wicked flute playing skills. I excelled in playing cheesy 80's ballads. "Some say love, it is a hunger." That one worked every time, Pimpin' ain't easy.

OOPS!!! didn't mean to add this one...It is me getting out of the shower. Do you like what you see?


Soji said...

I do like what I see! I'm one lucky girl! Mwah!