Dedicated to those who are striving to be the change.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Practically Random Rant: What is it to be Rich?

Change…I sure have heard that word a lot lately, but when have I not?

I am sorry to be serious on another post, but this blog is for me, it is my little creative outlet in which I Photoshop my own pictures for, which is like a double barrel shotgun of a creative outlet, but instead of lead balls, it shoots out teddy bears that just kind of cuddle me for the split second they pass by my head.

Anywho, as I was saying about change, I began thinking, why change? Has anyone stopped for a second and think that this might be how it is supposed to be? What is so wrong with right now? I know that there are a lot of jobs lost and money out the window, but maybe it is a good thing. I have had a change in occupation during this mess, 2 of them actually. I am grateful they occurred, it caused change, but not because I wanted it. So who is to say that things will change because we want it to, maybe we should be content for what we have and create confidence and humility in our various circumstances and let the change happen as we focus on love and service. Let the blind lead the blind and the rich be rich, let them have all they want. I have seen people who grew up in a country where at 12 years old they were on the front lines of war after being stolen from their family. They were taught and to kill their own blood, so they ran away and eventually made it to another land where they could go to work everyday and celebrate life in every way possible, because now they do not have to put a cross hair on their brother. They have no worry for the materials of another, what car they drive, how they ripped them off or how the government is taking paths that are not to be trodden, because it was only a fraction of their focus. They learned to read the white page behind the black letters, they learned how to observe rather than assume and most importantly how to control their own lives and actions instead of anyone else. I once read that there was a study conducted where 5 monkeys were placed in a room with a banana hanging over a set of a couple of stairs. Every time a monkey would touch the stairs to get the banana they would all get sprayed with water. Eventually a monkey was replaced with a new monkey and the water was turned off. The new monkey went for the stairs and the other beat it down. Soon enough all of the monkeys were replaced one by one and unfortunately they would beat each other from getting the banana and have no clue why. None of them ever were sprayed by water and the water was off, but they had a learned behavior and had no clue that it was wrong. A lot had changed, but was for anything better? I am curious as to whether or not we are the same as they curious little guys. Are we so focused on change yet still doing everything the same and expecting the same consequences, Yeah you have to learn by experience, but as we observed, depending on experience alone we can hit a brick wall. Individually we need to turn ourselves from objects to subjects and begin serving others instead of waiting for other to serve us, or think that we are owed something. All we do is cause another to not be able to climb the stairs, retrieve the banana and allow us all to go back to our home. Even if we are owed something by somebody, or even the government, let it go. Let the blind lead the blind, let the rich be rich. If your perspective has not changed yet, that last sentence is still out of sight. Let the blind lead the blind and let the rich be rich, let them have all they want. I am hoping to that rich will soon be perceived to be an individual who is content with what they have and the perception of the blind to be and individual who is discontent even though he cannot see around his pile of money. Rich is the man who has no bounds to his gratitude. Rich is the man who can give of his own two hands unto those who are unaware of their abilities. Ever changing is the environment of he that is rich, due to the countless people he helps to rise to their feet and see their worth and the value of those around them. Change in my life has been from people who are rich, not because I wanted it, but because they unexplainably caused it. There are rich people all around you, but due to unknown consequences we don’t reach out and prove our subconscious myth untrue. That is what a rich man does, that is what it feels like to be rich. Or in other words, as we become rich, we see the value in others and how rich they are. Otherwise, you will sit here demanding for change and all the while, change passes you by.

Change…I have sure heard that word a lot lately, but when have I not?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Practically Essential: Origins of the Financial Crisis "Then and Now"

Please refer to the link above!
"Knowledge Is Power"

If you would like a better understanding of what is occurring with the Financial Crisis this is the best reference due to it's sophisticated simplicity. You will understand what I mean as you go through it. This is not just effecting us. You will see how this crisis, even if recognized, could not have been stopped. When I was young and collecting my thoughts after the events of September 11th, I had a distinct feeling overcome me. It was one of great power and has stuck with me ever since. In words the feeling was "It is sad that it takes a tragedy to make people change." I did not realize how profound that sentence was to myself. We tend to get into cycles as a society and individuals, in which we ignore the receding tides of integrity, humility and common sense. After the tsunami of consequences, much of which are from others mistakes, we throw our pride out the window and adjust to our new environment, or in other words. WE CHANGE. No one person is going to bring change or influence everyone to change. It is going to be in the moments of regret and anguish that we find peace in correcting our habits. Destruction allows us to free ourselves from things we didn't even know were binding us. Destruction can be refreshing. Out of the ash and embers of refinement, the dross is cast out and we come back as pure as gold.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Randomly Practical Solutions: Benjamin Franklin Part I: Choosing Service Providers



This is what all of the Cable, Cellular and Insurance providers out there are thinking. In my short and very observant experience with life, I have found that the best defense is indeed a good offense. So I propose that we make it all about the Benji’s as well. Benjamin Franklin was a genius. He has the catchiest phrases out there. For example, a penny saved is a penny earned. How rad is that. It is even interchangeable. An crooked bank bailed-out is a crooked bank saved. Now we can be ripped off and controlled forever, sweet! Anywho, as I was saying about these different companies that provide service, or the lack of, can be simply dealt with when you apply the following quotes from Benjamin Franklin. I picked them at random and will apply them to fit our scenario

How to make it all about the Benji’s:

A learned blockhead is a greater blockhead than an ignorant one.

First things first, you are going to be a blockhead either way for allowing these companies into your life, so be comfortable with the fact that you are S.O.L., But it is better to be S.O.L and knowing it than all of the sudden asking them what the Vaseline is about. That is just awkward, honestly.

Content makes poor men rich; discontent makes rich men poor.” “He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.” “Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do.

Next, be ready for the saddest excuse for concern in your life. They really don’t care how things are working out with you as long as you are paying. So, you need to learn how to be content with what you have, even if it doesn’t work, cause that is what you have got. If you are being discontent, be ready to become an expert in translating southern drawl accents as preformed by individuals in India. After you learn how to translate, you will understand that their canned conversation is directing you to being content with their crappy providing skills. All of the excuses you will hear let’s you know that these people are good for nothing more that an excuse on the tip of the tongue. Don’t just be a fool, be a proactive fool and complain when is needed. You will improve the speech of some young Indian.

Diligence is the mother of good luck.” “He that can have patience can have what he will.

If you want to get ripped off at a lower rate, it is going to take some serious diligence and effort. If you are prepared to be S.O.L, an opportunity will come along to get it done at a lower rate. Preparation + Opportunity = Luck, Luck equals a smaller rate of being crap out luck, and a smaller rate of being crap out of luck is what you want. Make sense? Just have patience and you will have a smaller rate of being crap out of luck, but either way, you will be.

Half a truth is often a great lie.

Get ready for a lot of great lies from them, and they will be ready for a lot of great lays from you. (That was a little further than anticipated, sorry.)

Certainty? In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes.

Death and taxes, notice that he did not include bills, there is a reason for that. They don’t know what they are going to charge you next month, let alone what they charged you last month. They don’t even know what number is on your bill. They could have sent you a bill for $10.00 for all they know. Well, at least you know that eventually you will die.

Applause waits on success.

You will applause these companies as often as Chuck Norris cries, never.

Creditors have better memories than debtors.

Bad, bad memories, enough said.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Watercolors of me as a Practical Panda growing up

Here is me trying to climb over my playgate. I would get so winded trying to get over it. Kind of embarrassing, but 2 feet was like half of my size. So I would just lay there and sing random songs from Footloose and Dirty Dancing. My big dream was to punch dance on the big screen just like Kevin Bacon. I was excited to know that I was separated from him by only 3 degrees. I was held back by my lack of ability in growing a mullet, and too much moral to stuff my pants.

Here's me as a young panda wooing all the girls with my wicked flute playing skills. I excelled in playing cheesy 80's ballads. "Some say love, it is a hunger." That one worked every time, Pimpin' ain't easy.

OOPS!!! didn't mean to add this one...It is me getting out of the shower. Do you like what you see?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Practical Politics: Winston Churchill

What a genius! Like Jude Law, I am sure his accent made him sound even smarter than he was, but he actually really was a remarkably intelligent man. If I had even so much as an inkling of his charm, people would write books about me being a vampire that is so good looking and so strong, yet I become way obsessed by the scent of a shy humanling that it seems like I am in love with her when really I only want her for her healthy uterus. Oh, Wait... That already happened, I forgot. Thanks, Steph. Anywho, Winston churchhill just had this charm and wit about him that he could change the world with a single quote. Here are several of those quotes:

“Some men change their party for the sake of their principles; others their principles for the sake of their party.”

*cough* Democrats & Republicans *cough* *cough*. Excuse me, I feel that some change their principles for the sake of their buddies in the bank cartels that have sold them an agenda.

“If you're going through hell, keep going.”

If you are going to IKEA, just keep going or you will never make it home. Talk about great and spacious. There is so much crap, wonderful crap, but crap none the less.

“Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except all those others that have been tried from time to time.”

Governments are like Chinese buffets, there is only one good one within a 100 mile radius, and you only learn that after you make yourself completely sick off of the other 200 of them, yet keep trying each of them. I have been to buffets that would be classified as communistic, it was never good, no matter how many times you went.

“The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”

Kind of like mullets. The hater sees the Wal-Mart in every mullet, While everyone else sees the mullet in every Wal-Mart. Respect the mullet over the mart.

“It is no use saying, 'We are doing our best.' You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary.”

I am sure that they are feeling like they are doing their best at creating more jobs while they are helping the people who got us into this mess keep their jobs first. They mean well, too bad the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Yes, everybody means well when they drive to Ikea.

“Those who forget history are bound to repeat it”

This is just like the buffet thing. You go and eat, you get incredibly sick and/or constipated. You about vomit when you even think about going there again and sure enough 2 weeks later you are there again. Talk about slow suicide.

“Out of intense complexities intense simplicities emerge.”

I think he was talking about one of those gypsy carnival rides, you know, the ones that they piece together on the spot. They are complex on the outside, yet so simple on the inside, but when you realize that you are sitting with the bearded lady, it is intense the whole way through.

“When I look back on all these worries, I remember the story of the old man who said on his deathbed that he had had a lot of trouble in his life, most of which had never happened.”

And that is what happens when you wear diapers when you are old, you are always scared that someone will hear you crap yourself.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Practically Random Trivia: Dolphins

They are the freaks of nature. I don’t mean weird freaks, I am talking freaky freaks, you know, like R-Kelly. Actually, Dolphins are more like the oceans manifestation of Rick James. Flipper was indeed a Superfreak. Not only have they mastered the art of sex for pleasure, but they never sleep. ‘Tis true. I have had the opportunity to read from an inspired document, in the form of a book, called “Do Fish Drink Water?”. It is quite amazing. It is all random trivia and useless knowledge, which is right up my alley. If it is a fact that is relevant to life, it is in one ear and out the other, but if it is of no importance, it completely intrigues me. Call me quirky, but the fact that a dolphin does not sleep is life altering for me. If you think about it, one of the closest relatives to a dolphin is a horse. Could you imagine making a horse live in aquarium? David Blaine can barely handle it, honestly. As, I was saying though, a dolphin is just like you and I, they have to come up for air frequently to keep their oxygen levels up. So to rest they have mastered a trick that I am working on. Just like we have 2 hemispheres to our brain, dolphins do too, except, they have mastered the art of controlling each side separately. When a dolphin needs to rest they just shut down one of the 2 hemispheres of their brain for 8 hours and then shut down the other hemisphere for another 8 hours and then have them functioning together for another 8 hours. How rad would that be? Stay awake 24/7 but, only have half a brain during for 2/3rds of the day!

There are a million things you could do with only half of a brain!
1) Watch T.V., you would be just as capable as the writers to write the show.
2) You could be in Legislation. Making trash loads from lobbyists, while passing laws you forgot to research about.
3) Be a CEO for one of the big 3 Auto-manufacturers.
4) Play in the NBA.
5) Listen to country music.
6) Write country music.
7) Play country music backwards and get your house, wife and dog back.
8) Create a Facebook account for each of your pets.
9) Read Nancy Pelosi’s, Mike Huckabee’s and Hilary Clinton’s Books with Oprah and make up funny names for each of them.
10) Figure out that a single professional athlete makes more money in one year than all of the firemen, police men and paramedics who give up their lives for our safety do their whole lives.
11) And last, but not least, Read this blog. Unfortunately, you would still be too overqualified to post on it.

So, let’s take a lesson from Dolphins. Unless you really can control the hemispheres of your brain and function on one half at a time, please don’t act like it.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Practically Random

Thus it begins. In life the cat is either getting let out of the bag, or getting let in. Which ever you prefer. How is that for a new age metaphor? 

This is my spontaneity at it's best. I started a blog, one of the +25 million of them. Since the statistic of all the blogs out there has more zero's than the word RANDOM has letters, It would lose all honors of bearing the title of spontaneous, but for a practical guy like me, this is life on the edge. I mean, it is 12:00 am and I am typing something with little or no relevance to any pertinent situations in my life, let alone the world. This is effing nuts.

 Well, I shall continue on the path of all things that are not relevant. Expect a strict regiment of trivial information, old school gems, "What the Fetch" stories, Personal opinion on media, practical solutions to all manners of circumstances, and last but not least, reasons why life is practically random.

Trust me, this will be no ones cup of tea but my own.