Dedicated to those who are striving to be the change.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Practically Random Rant: A cup can only spill what it contains.

Life, individually, is like a couple of long sentences. Full of subjects, full of objects and an unfathomable amount of verbs. Yet, collectively like poetry. The end is not known, even to the author, but naturally finds it’s way by traveling the path of least resistance to where his true intent was developed. Robert Frost once said that, “Poetry is when an emotion has found it thoughts and the thought has found it’s words.” Thus it is with life. It naturally exposes our deepest feelings through actions as if a pen to a paper.

In life, we grow in age, we learn by experience, we learn by mannerisms or our environments and those within. We listen to who our parents, siblings, teachers, friends and others in society think we are. It is very easy to become that individual and live within the bounds set. We learn to say I am me. We learn to base our knowledge of ourselves upon the opinion of those who are around us. We assume that we know our limits and to what heights that we may sail. We assume that those who are successful were destined to be so and are fulfilling what they are. We become an object in which the subjects in life move upon. We become the fence that the fox jumps. We wait in hopes of something great to come our way, that is, if there even happens to be something in pursuit of a ready target. This is not how life is to be lived, we need to be the subject in pursuit of the ready target.

We need to forget everything that we have ever thought about ourselves. Forget every description anyone has ever given of us. Forget that there has even been hinted that you have a limit. You are not just you. You are who you are, and who you are is determined by what you do in life. We must understand that there is no limit to what we can accomplish. We can become whatever we want, it is just a matter of honestly believing it.

I feel that the greatest barrier in the world for an individual is overcoming themselves and pursuing what makes us truly happy. A person who still acts as an object will continue to be controlled by temporal objects which are at the movement by subjects.

Money is an object. Unfortunately, this is something I did not learn until the past couple of years. Money, if viewed as an object, is clearly worthless, it is a note, nothing more. Money is needed for our day to day lives, so, it is true that we must earn it and we typically do so through some form of work. So do we work for money, or do we strive to do something that we love and earn money along the way. I guess it is how you view yourself, whether you are an individual that is control of the object, or the person that in under control of the object. A person in control of an object is a subject. A person under control of an object is an object. When a person that views themselves as a subject does something nice for someone, it is fulfilling to that individual and the satisfaction overshadows any sacrifice made by the individual. When a person who views themselves as an object, which they have no clue they do so, does something nice for someone, it is inconvenient to that individual and the sacrifice overshadows the deed and feels that they are owed.

When a child is taught to be a subject, they are taught that the world is full of imperfections and many of which could possibly exist solely for that child to resolve. The child will understand that they can become the answer to problems in the world rather than a source. The child will understand that they are so much more than any individual could ever conjure them to be and regardless of what anybody says of them, good or bad, they can be whatever it is that makes them happy, they can be the source of peace in this world. Each and every one of us is that child. Each and every one of us has a problem in the world that is solely for us to be the answer to. Each and every one of us can become the answers to the problems that exist in the world today instead of the source of the problems. No one can ever conjure us to be any less than we really are. One day the governments of the world are indeed going to have to step aside and let us have our peace, because one day we will realize that we can be whatever it is that makes us happy and what makes us happy is the satisfaction we feel when we are full of compassion from serving one another instead of temporal objects of no worth.